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Swan Valley Landscape Supplies


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Lawn Level
The ultimate top dressing soil, suitable for ALL lawn types! Very fine soil, mixed with Mature Compost there is no need to add any further fertilisers etc. 
Best applied at 10mm thick for top dressing after vertimow, coring or a hard cut back. Also used for fixing holes/divots and dead patches.

$12 a 25L bag
$60 a scoop (1/3m3)
$120 a 500L Bulka Bag

Vegi Mix
A premium pre-mixed soil with Mature Compost. Great for building up raised garden and veggie beds as well as the perfect underlay when needing to build up an area for roll on turf! 

$60 a scoop (1/3m3)
$120 a 500L Bulka Bag

Nutrient Rich Straw Mulch
composted using straw and chicken manure making it the perfect combination to keep the moisture in the soil, balance the temperature of the soil and feed plants.

Best applied on top of the soil under the canopy area of the plant and wet in well for quick growth. 

$11 a 25L bag
$60 a scoop (1/3 m3)
$120 a 500L Bulka Bag
$225 a 1000L Bulka Bag

Potting Mix 
mixed with our Mature Compost it's a great "use as is" soil for plants in pots and seedlings. Drains well and has a lovely earthy smell. 

$14 a 25L bag
$80 a scoop (1/3m3)
$150 a 500L Bulka Bag
$285 a 1000L Bulka bag

Soil Conditioner 
a fully matured, organic fertiliser. Perfect for flowering plants, trees, natives and underneath turf. 

Must be blended with existing soil at 1:1
or 1:2 for native plants.

$14 a 25L bag
$75 a scoop (1/3m3)
$143 a 500L Bulka Bag


Mature Compost 
A fully matured organic fertliser. Refined at 6mm or under, contains Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium while also including Humus, microbes and trace elements! 
Perfect for all plants! including natives,  veggie gardens and fruiting trees. 

Must be blended with existing soil at 1:1or 1:2 for native plants.

$16 a 25L bag
$88 a scoop (1/3m3)
$162 a 500L Bulka Bag


Nutrarich Soil Products

With so many different soil products out on the market, what makes Nutrarich soils - in particular the Mature Compost and Soil Conditioner so good! and sets them apart from the rest?

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